Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Rushed off my feet...

There's just been no time to blog - I have no idea how regular bloggers do it! We're not far away from the launch of the Trust on the 2nd July and there's still so much work to do on it, but we're getting there. Tony Robinson agreed he could speak at the launch today and James Naughtie of Today Programme fame rather wonderfully said he would host the event. Now we just have to find some young people who have been on the battlefield tours to build up the nerve to tell us their experiences!

Given the sheer amount of admin I'm having to do at the moment I decided to advertise for an intern to help out and have been very pleasantly surprised by the large number of high quality applications I've received. Deciding who to pick is going to be the hard thing! Closing date is Wednesday 18th though, so if you know of someone who might be good to help, do get them to contact me! And there's still the need to find somewhere with a computer and phone...

Sometimes I feel like I'm doing two full time jobs, but I'm getting more excited about the launch now it all seems to be coming together. Right, better go and decide on the canapés...

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