Monday, 21 July 2008

Photos from the launch, and thank yous

A good friend of mine, Andy Barker, kindly took the pictures at the Launch of the Trust even though she had a cold. You can see them on Facebook if you follow these links:
Album 1
Album 2
Album 3
Album 4

If anyone wants to contact Andy, or have a look at the rest of her work, please go to her website.

I also wanted to thank the talented graphic artist Paul Donnellon for creating the wonderful GBHT logo. You can look at the rest of his work by clicking here.

Praise to John Schwartz too for designing the first GBHT leaflets which really captured the fun feel of the organisation. TU Ink kindly printed the leaflets and can turn around print jobs really fast. They do a lot of work with trade unions and the third sector.

I'm also really grateful to The Atrium Restaurant who gave us a discount on the venue and who tolerated the need for extra wine at the last minute! They do good food and cocktails and it's a lovely venue for all occasions.

Of course none of it would have been possible without the financial support of Apex Communications who funded the launch at the last minute. Thank you Pete and Ed.

Finally, there were so many people who helped to make the launch a success, but I'd like to give credit to our intern Stephanie Tranter, helpers on the day including Claudia Wood, Emma Carr, and Jessica Studdert. BBC help from Joanne Hilditch, Sue Brewer and Lindsay McCoy. Sophie Gunther and Richard Evans for plugging the launch to their colleagues. Anne Reyersbach, Rachael Ellis, and Suzie Butler for organising the year 11's from Bramhall High School in Stockport. And of course, a big last thanks to all the Trustees and Patrons who spread the word far and wide.

Now the really hard work of fundraising begins!

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